Featured image of post Staedtler 925 35-03B

Staedtler 925 35-03B

0.3mm All Black

0.3mm All Black all metal premium pencil

Staedtler LogoBrandStaedtler
barcode iconModel925 35-03B
lead size iconLead Size0.3mm
material iconMaterialAluminium
colour iconColourBlack
weight iconWeight (grams)16.9g
ruler iconLength (millimetres)143mm
world with pin iconCountry of OriginJapan
certificate iconRating (out of 5)5
purchase-date iconPurchase DateJun-21
supplier iconSupplierBunbogou
coin iconCost28.50 (AUD)
calendar iconYear
pencil plus iconFeaturesEraser in Back Cap, Lead Indicator Window, Size Label
pencil file iconExtra DetailsBrass plated nickel tip, Copper lead applying system
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
© Based on the marvellous Stack template by Jimmycai
Parallax stars effect by Sarazond, grid background by Temani Afif